I worked with the method you gave. I've done all the steps successfully. As a result, I obtained Cl gas and Pd salt. I dried it. I obtained 6gr and stored it in airless nylon. I don't dare to melt it with an oxygen torch. How and to whom can I sell it as it is? 05384901936 whatsapp
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Aquarium engine, coke bottle, 2 hoses insulated with hot silicon, one teaspoon of sodium chlorate and hcl. it costs 1 dollar and works well is the default IP address to login admin panel of a router. It is often mistyped as which will return an invalid webpage. – is the default IP address to login admin panel of a router. It is often mistyped as which will return an invalid webpage.
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Hello! Sounds like you’ve got quite a unique product on your hands. If you're not sure about melting it down, I'd suggest reaching out to a metals specialist or a licensed scrap dealer who can guide you on how to safely process and sell it. By the way, I was recently reading about liposuction surgery Dubai and found that just like metal work, it's best left to the experts. So, make sure you get some professional advice before you move forward!
abi çıldıracam yaa!pd tozunu oksijen meşalede eritirken,borax içinde ki boncuk metal soğrken beyaz lahana gibi simsiyah toz halinde dağılıyor.tekrar erit,tekrar dağılıyor.borax içinde gömülünce kurtardım.bu kez de pd boncuğu karardı.ne yapmalıyım?
I can not believe this! dry powder was 8gr. Dark gray smoke came out thick as he roasted him. I melted in the crucible and 2gr!
It is not my practice
Mutlu yıllar dostum.. We add sulfuric acid to the solution before precipitating gold from AR, so we leave some metals such as tin, lead, iron behind in the form of white powder. Can we apply the same work to the palladium chlorine solution?
Looks just right! Are you planing to reduce to metal form or re-refine?
I didn't do it to make money. This is a different fun, hobby or passion for me. however, selling at the best price will motivate further work. I will save more. Thank you very much for the contact.
Hi, Nice to hear that. With such a small amount, i would say either keep it and get more, or start looking locally with gold buyers. (not the best option, but if you need the money...)